December Volunteer of the Month!

12/5/2023 2:46 pm

Congratulations to Jacqueline DiNuoscio - our December Volunteer of the Month! Jacqueline received several nominations all which mentioned how she is always willing to lend a hand no matter how busy she is and she will receive a premier parking space for the month of December.



Family & Pets:


David and I have three sons- Jonathan (4B), Michael (2C), and Benjamin (4s preschool). We have a chocolate lab named Sadie


Where do you volunteer at St Susanna?


I am primarily in charge of the fundraising and organizing of the St. Susanna School Gala and the Booster's golf outing, and am one of the Grand Raffle co-chairs for Festival. I am a social coordinator for 2nd and 4th grade and one of the 4th grade room parents. I am always happy to help out with special projects and school events whenever I can!


Why do you love St Susanna? 


The school atmosphere fosters such a sense of togetherness and camaraderie that it has made it easy for me to want to help and be involved. Having a supportive network where both kids and parents can connect and engage has made the school experience incredibly fulfilling for our family. St. Sue is much more than just a great school for our kids- beyond the classrooms and homework lies a wealth of genuine connections and a close-knit community that feels like home. I am excited to help the school continue to grow and improve for the future!